Book “Dr. Switzer’s Wild Plant Primal Diet Recipes”


The recipe book with 180 medicinal wild herb vital food recipes is now available! food as medicine. This recipe book seems like a revelation. Health benefits are explained with each recipe. This allows you to choose the recipes you need to take control of your own health problems.

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Medicinal wild herb vital food recipes

Give your body superior nutrients not even available in organic foods. Strengthen your metabolism and your immune system with organic trace elements that are rarely found in industrial agriculture. Experience unexpected energy and vitality by taking biophotons from the freshly picked wild herb cocktails.

Give your body valuable bitter substances to finally be able to lose weight. Eliminate intestinal toxins and accelerate the passage time in the intestine. Protect your body from degenerative diseases. Increase your resistance to stress and experience more inner serenity with a true “premium” food. Optimize your brain biochemistry and thereby increase your potential for happiness.

For more than 30 years, Dr. Switzer with the strengths and weaknesses of different forms of nutrition. The problem with all of them is the lack of important nutrients such as chlorophyll, organic trace elements, biophotons, probiotics and countless secondary plant substances. This makes real satiety more difficult, slows down the metabolism and usually leads to strong cravings. The occurrence of degenerative diseases can also be promoted. The wild herb vitality diet offers innovative dishes so that we can protect our bodies from degeneration. They offer superior nutrients.

The discovery of the nettle and wild herb cocktail

While weeding his garden, Dr. Switzer came up with the idea of ​​blending nettle leaves with fruit in a blender. The drink not only tasted delicious, it also gave a lot of energy and a deep feeling of inner satiety. He drank up to a liter of this tasty wild herb cocktail every day. After a few weeks, stress resistance and sleep improved, annoying skin problems and allergies disappeared. He felt lighter and more buoyant.

His own experiences motivated Dr. Switzer to create healing vital food dishes in his spare time and to hold seminars and lectures (see our seminar program) on the wild herb vital food, which inspired many people to improve their diet. Not all recipes contain wild herbs. Some, like the quinoa humus recipe, provide valuable probiotics and enzymes from fermented quinoa sprouts.

Everyone can improve their health by optimizing their diet. Hippocrates already taught that the best food is often our best medicine.

dr medical John Switzer, born in 1957, is originally from Oregon, USA. He came to Munich to rediscover his German roots and to study medicine. For 21 years he has been running an Ayurveda clinic on Lake Starnberg, which specializes in detoxification cures, therapeutic fasting and wild herbal vital foods.

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